"What is your wish for feeling better in mind and body"
This screening form is appropriate for individuals age-19 and above.
Only complete this screening if you are actively seeking treatment support.
Following submission, Michele will review the form then connect you to arrange a consultation or intake.
It is typical for this to take 5-10 days
Indicates required field
Please provide current email
Phone Number
Kindly provide your current: Age/ Height/ Weight
Part A: Eating Disorder Screening
1. Do you experience intense fear of gaining weight?
2. Do you experience a preoccupation or distress around the appearance of your body, shape or weight?
3. Do you feel that your Self-worth is based on your weight, shape, or appearance?
4. Do you use laxatives, diuretics, enemas, or vomiting to compensate or control calorie/fat intake?
5. Do you use fasting, meal skipping, or exercise to compensate or control calorie/fat intake?
6. Do you experience irregular periods or have you stopped menstruating?
7. Do you experience episodes of rapid eating, where you consume a much larger amount of food than others would eat in the same time period (1 - 2 hours)?
8. Do you feel distress, disgust, guilt or shame following these episodes?
9. Do you feel a lack of control and feeling that you are unable to stop during these eating episodes?
10. Do you feel numb, disconnected or loose your sense of time during these episodes?
11. Do you eat until you feel uncomfortably full but do not engage in compensatory behaviours (exercise, fasting, vomiting)?
12. Do you eat to cope with thoughts, emotions, or sensations (anger, boredom, loneliness, guilt, fatigue, stress, reward)?
13. Do you have a history of dieting?
14. Do you come from a family with a history of dieting, eating disorders, or strong rules and/or attitudes around appearance, weight, food?
Please take your time and check only those items that apply to you.
Part B: Anxiety Screening
1. Do you feel nervous or scared about the future or loosing control?
2. Do you find it hard to relax?
3. Does your breath sit high in your chest, throat, or feel shallow?
4. Do you ever experience a racing heart, numbness, tingling, dizzy, lightheaded?
5. Do you avoid people, places, or things to prevent these experiences?
Please take your time and check only those items that apply to you.
Part C: Depression Screening
1. Do you take little interest or pleasure in things you usually enjoy?
2. Do you find yourself feeling down, hopeless, tired, or depressed?
3. Do you find it more difficult to fall asleep, stay asleep, or sleep too much?
4. Have you noticed a change in your appetite?
5. Do you experience thoughts or images of harming or injuring yourself?
Please take your time and check only those items that apply to you.
Part D: Relational Trauma Screening
1. Do you find it hard to trust or get close to people?
2. Do you make attempts to avoid feelings rejected or abandoned?
3. Do you question your identity, feel empty or unreal?
4. Do you find yourself feeling worthless, like a burden, disconnected, depressed, and withdrawn from people and life?
5. Do you make impulsive decisions, experience extreme shifts in mood and emotions, use alcohol, substance to cope with difficult feelings?
6. Do you feel anxious, angry, or irritable?
7. Do you struggle with feelings of sadness, shame, or hopelessness?
Please take your time and check only those items that apply to you.
Briefly, what are your hopes or desires in completing this screening?